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Every Vitro employee is empowered to think of big, bold glass ideas that will set us apart from the competition.

That’s why the Vitro Innovation team is crowdsourcing and rewarding innovative ideas from every corner of the company. Do you have an idea that reimagines what glass or what Vitro can do? We want to know.

Why Submit?

"Together, We See Further" is more than a marketing slogan. It’s how we should operate, from top to bottom, every day. Every Vitro employee—not just those in Research & Development—has unique knowledge, perspectives and experiences that can inspire a great idea for the organization.

Your "what-if" idea will be reviewed and may even become reality! The Vitro Innovation team fully expects to put multiple employee submissions into action. Plus, when we all innovate, we all benefit, resulting in new, exciting opportunities for the company and employees.

Tips for Submitting

Ready to submit your idea? Before you do, review these tips.

  • Research Vitro’s and our competitors’ existing offerings to confirm your idea has not been implemented yet.
  • Where possible, gather evidence, data or research to help validate the need for your innovation.
  • Don’t hold back. Your expertise and vision are valuable. No idea is too bold, too big or too small. The road to great ideas is paved by meaningful failures.
Innovation Blocks Individual Submissions


Learn about the process for submitting your innovation and how to participate in Innovation Challenges


Innovation Blocks Plant Team Submissions

Plant Team

Learn about the process for submitting an innovation idea on behalf of your plant team


Innovation Blocks Awards Rewards

and Rewards

Earn cash bonuses and recognition from Vitro for your valuable ideas.